For nine years he has worked at abattoir level for both the private sector (International Meat Quality Assurance Services - IMQAS) and the national department of agriculture as a meat inspector and for the Western Cape provincial department of agriculture as a Veterinary Public Health practitioner respectively. An additional 9 years, he has been providing consultation and been a keynote speaker, to different organization locally and abroad. These include faith-based, indigenous and grassroots community organizations.
A few of Tozie’s organizational involvement have included Compassion in World Farming, Humane Society International, Humane Education Trust, Animal Voice and Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance and currently he is involved with Africa Network for Animal Welfare, Cape Animal Welfare Forum, World Animal Net, Coalition for African Animal Welfare Organisations, Soil for Life and World Animal Day.
While at Compassion in World Farming, Tozie helped in launching Meat Free Mondays and at Humane Society International he has pioneered the launch of Green Mondays ( As the chairperson of the Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA) he championed the East Africa regional animal welfare baseline research with the African Union (AU) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). As the World Animal Day ambassador, he has led a march both in 2014 and 2015 to hand over a memorandum to South Africa’s parliament, which specifically looked at the challenges facing South Africa’s animals. Tozie has appeared on numerous media platforms advocating for the welfare of farm animals, SABC TV, SABC Radio, News24, ANN7, etc. and other international media.
Tozie is a member of the African Union’s Africa Platform for Animal Welfare and serve on the Coordination Committee for the implementation of the Africa Strategy for Animal Welfare. He has led the Animal Welfare Portfolio for the South African Veterinary Council 2016 - 2019). He serves on the International Policy forum of World Animal Net and is a member of the International Coalition for Animal Welfare ( ), which is the collaborating partner to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). He currently serves on the board of Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals ( ) and he is the Executive Director in South Africa of A Greener World – working with farmers in the field of farm audits and certification.
Tozie has presented to audiences in Belgium (European Union Parliament), Croatia, UK, USA, Morocco, Kenya and Zimbabwe amongst others, he has addressed community organisations in Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia, etc. about farm animal welfare and has a paper published (by Springer) entitled: Dietary Options for Climate Change Mitigation in a book entitled: Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change.