1-About Us


Khulisa Social Solutions pioneers a Community Cohesion Solutions approach, a ground-breaking method for community development. Since our inception in 1997, Khulisa has been dedicated to creating sustainable, positive change within communities across South Africa. Our unique methodology integrates social justice, economic empowerment, restorative justice, enhanced education, social inclusion, and deep community engagement; addressing the complex web of factors that impact social cohesion.

Our holistic approach goes beyond temporary fixes to foster resilience. Our work enhances family dynamics, and empowers individuals, NGOs, and CBOs. By combining evidence-based strategies with deep local insights, Khulisa ensures that interventions are not only effective but also culturally relevant and widely accepted. Our interventions are developed in consultation with communities at the grassroots level, ensuring that they are tailored to the unique needs and challenges of each community. We stand out by not just addressing symptoms but by addressing the root causes of social fragmentation.

Khulisa’s history is marked by a commitment to collaborative approaches within various ecosystems. We promote partnerships that leverage wide-scale, measurable social impact. Our programs are designed to engage multiple stakeholders at a multisectoral level, including community members, local businesses, government entities, and other NGOs, creating a network of support and resources that drive lasting, sustainable change.

Our collaborative efforts aim to create healthier, more cohesive communities by fostering an environment of mutual support, shared goals, and collective action. By promoting these collaborative approaches, we ensure that our impact is not only broad but deeply rooted in the communities we serve.



Through strategic partnerships and community-driven research, we create environments where individuals feel valued, heard, and connected. Our collaborative efforts aim to build healthier, more cohesive communities through mutual support, shared goals, and collective action.


Khulisa Social Solutions pioneers a comprehensive approach to community development by integrating social justice, economic empowerment, restorative justice, education, social inclusion, and deep community engagement, creating sustainable change through culturally relevant and community-driven interventions. By leveraging corporate volunteers and fostering partnerships with stakeholders, Khulisa addresses root causes of social fragmentation, building resilient and cohesive communities.









15 Years of reinventing lives



Five years in 60 prisons:

-  Trained 328 peer education programmes
-  Rolled out the programme to over 5,763 offenders

By June 2012:

-  Khulisa’s peer education programme introduced to 11 SADAC countries by training psychiatrists, medical doctors, human resource practitioners and prison management offices.


An in-house survey conducted over five years of offenders who had participated in various rehabilitation/reintegration programmes:

-  Of 287 contacts made, only 18% had been re-incarcerated.
-  Average national relapse rate of 85%


2009: Through Gateways Project and City of Johannesburg, job shadowing opportunities created for 66 ex-offenders (non violent crimes).

Khulisa managed the process (including rendering needs-based personal development programmes) 6 months prior to placement.

A survey conducted one year later reflected that:

-  83% completed the process
-  14% employed fulltime by the City of Johannesburg
-  After six months, 36 who were contacted: 81% were either employed or studying or volunteering


Phoenix Case Study
Between 2007 and 2009, 2000 cases successfully mediated by Khulisa, the NPA and Department of Justice in the Phoenix region.  From these cases:

-  93% victims stated they would rather go the alternative justice route
-  In some cases the court backlog was reduced by up to 50%
-  83% of the cases were successfully concluded

JARP – EU Funded Case Study  :  May 2010 – April 2012
External evaluation findings over 6 sites (urban, peri-urban and deep rural)

-  3930 Restorative Justice Cases referred and mediated
-  2387 diversion cases (with Restorative Elements) achieved by 6 project sites
-  6317 cases processed, exceeding the expected minimum project result of 3000 processed cases.
-  A minimum of 22 cases mediated per site per month. Ixopo, Wentworth, Umlazi and Phoenix consistently achieved between 50 and 60 cases per month;
-  88 438 reached by the project, on the basis of one victim, one perpetrator per case, each being in a family unit of 7.
-  Type of Charge/Crime: 44.13% common assault case referrals across 6 sites, were the highest.

Outcome of Mediation across 6 sites:

-  Resolved 84.16%
-  Unresolved  9.77%


-  Over 13 years 53 MIB Programmes introduced in seven provinces, capacitating more than 600 aspirant community leaders.
-  Over 2 years each MIB group directly impacted the lives of approx 5,000 young children (peer drug education, HIV/AIDS, indigenous games, school holiday programmes, multiple life skills, sports and recreation, leadership, mediation, puppet making, arts and culture).
-  Over 3 years, 180 Ubuntu Clubs were established.
-  In 2012 a summary revealed the sustainability of the individual MIBs:

    Number of MIB groups included in survey – 24
    Estimated number of participants – 600
    Number graduated = 80.2%
    215 employed = 45%
    25 own projects = 5%
    71 working with Khulisa = 15%
    16 working with other NGOs = 3%
    35 studying = 7%
    Passed away/lost contact with = 25%

(diverting youth/adults in conflict with the law (petty offenses) out of the Criminal Justice System, i.e. second chance)

-  Between 2010 and 2012 - Khulisa diverted:

  •     6,829 children under 18 who committed petty offences nationally
  •     4,961 diverted = 73%
  •     3,329  programmes = 48%
  •     3,652 community services = 53%

-  Newcastle Case Study (KZN Midlands):

No of referrals:

    1,525 divertees April 2008 – March 2012.  95% completion success rate.
    From a group of 436 divertees (referred between April 2011 & March 2012) – telephonic and one-on-one feedback 97% success rate, i.e. only 3% had re-offended.

From this group:

    -  98% apologised to their victims
    -  99% actively participated in community outreach programmes (Ubuntu In Action)

As a result of these efforts:

    -  Three grassroots level multi-stakeholder community development projects evolved which are pending NGO registration.


-  From a group of 164 maximum sentences offenders in 4 correctional facilities, none of them re-offended during a period of 4 years(2007 to 2011) after participation in the programme,
-  119 of them became HIV and AIDS / Substance Abuse Peer Educators in their correctional facilities and
-  23 of them were released and are delivering peer education programmes in schools and their communities.

(Aims to reduce alcohol related harm amongst young people and empowering them to “speak up!” around substance abuse in their schools and communities.)

The Speak Up programme has been developed to empower young people, educators and parents and therefore uses a systemic approach in addresses alcohol related problems in communities and schools.

Implemented in 9 schools in Gauteng. During 2011from a total of 346 participants:

-  Pre programme: 75% stated that they were NOT part of the SA cycle of crime and violence. Post programme: 95% stated they WERE PART of the SA cycle of crime and violence.

-  Pre programme: 35% stated that they understood the process of addiction. Post programme: 80% understood the process.
-  Pre programme 40% of the parents stated they had adequate knowledge about the risks of children abusing alcohol and drugs. Post programme 70%.


In 2012, amongst 17 youth from three Soweto based schools who participated in a social enterprise programme/competition over a 6-month period, demonstrated an overall personal growth percentage of 85%  (Ecometric testing)


National Training of Social Workers

-  2012 Khulisa conducted master training with over 600 social workers in five customised programmes that Khulisa developed for the National Department of Social Development (Crime Prevention Directorate). Overall rating of Khulisa’s service delivery: 85%


As at 31 August (6 months after commencing with the project) 27,345 children participated and benefited from puppet shows in 66 schools. (Target for 12 month contract – 20,500 children)

Life skill communication via puppetry impacted the community at large:

-  Job opportunities (NGO’s established specialising in communication via puppetry).

-  Human rights awareness raised with children and their parents led to significant referrals to alternative sources

-  Programmes extended to ECD facilities, secondary schools and amongst adults (victim empowerment, learnership development, literacy)

-  Specific DVD series needs to be produced - income generation; made available to multiple service delivery agencies.













The programme assists trauma survivors to fashion narratives,through storytelling, that respect the horror of trauma while at the same time opening up areas of change and development. The ‘Shine Programme’ encourages an appreciation for the paradoxical in the trauma experience so that vulnerabilities can be turned into strength, and losses into positive change.

Transect Walks help develop a basic understanding of systems, such as the community. They equip the community worker with skills to create change in a community through community interventions (community development) and to develop action research in understanding the real needs within the community.

Diversion is a process of channelling children away from the formal court system to programmes that help them reintegrate with their communities.

Diversion options offered by Khulisa:

  • Junior Diversion Programme
  • 8 week
  • Junior Diversion Programme
  • 16 week
  • “Being Positively Cool” 8 Week Diversion Programme
  • “Being Positively Cool” – 16 Week Diversion Programme
  • “Facing Your Shadow” – Diversion for Sexual Offenders:
  • “Face It ” – Violent and Aggressive Behavior Diversion Programme
  • “Recycle” –Aftercare Programme


Adult diversion is a process of channelling adults away from the formal court system to programmes that help them reintegrate with their communities.

Diversion options offered by Khulisa:

  • “Break Through” Self-development Programme
  • Selection Modules:
    • Substance Abuse
    • Violence Awareness
    • VOD and RJ
    • FGC
    • Career Planning
    • TOW Parenting Programme
  • Community Service - “Remember to Forget” Aftercare Programme


The programme focuses on self development through reflection and narrative therapy techniques that are aimed at normalising participants’ environments and lives.

The ‘Silence the Violence’ OR ‘Face It’ programme offers aggressive behaviour change for adults or youth. It challenges traditional belief systems that lead to violent behaviour, illustrating how violence manifests in daily interactions and teaches participants to choose non-violent alternatives.

Khulisa’s puppet workshops assist children to transfer their own world onto the puppet, providing deep insight and meaning to the child. Themes explored through these workshops include;

Pre- school

  • Drugs, Making good choices, Peer Pressure and Self-esteem

7 to 10 years

  • Anger Management, Crime Prevention, Bullying, Personal Hygiene, Substance Abuse and Child Abuse

11 to 13 years

  • Anger Management, Crime Prevention, Bullying, Sexuality, Substance Abuse and Child Abuse


The TOW parenting programme empowers significant others, such as educators, with the necessary skills to effectively manage the challenges their children are  facing.

The VULA Early Childhood Development programme offers integrated ECD intervention that is cost and time effective. VULA draws on leading child development theories, approaches and has been developed by professionals from fields of child psychology; social work and community development.

The Restorative Justice concept grew out of dissatisfaction with criminal justice processes and their inability to offer victims, reparation and offenders an opportunity to repair the harm they caused. Khulisa’s restorative justice programmes approach justice with the individual and the collective good in mind.

The programmes are grounded in the notion that when human relationships are violated; victims and communities need protection, support and healing whilst offenders need to be accountable by taking responsibility, make restitution and pursuing rehabilitation.

11. UBUNTU CLUBS: Life skills programme
Ubuntu clubs are community based youth clubs that provide common interest groups with a safe, social and recreational environment where they receive peer education on issues such as; violence, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and community development. Thus reflecting the spirit of Ubuntu which can lead to the establishment of self sustaining initiatives.


“My bad attitude was causing havoc all around me. I knew it, but I didn’t know how to be any different says Petrus Langa. “Relationships with my family and work colleagues were strained and I as feeling more and more lonely and unhappy.

One day in a fit of rage I hit my wife and she pressed charges against me. A social worker recommended that I learn some anger management and communication skills by attending “Breakthrough”. My curiosity took me there and I’m so glad it did. In that programme I realized that much of my behavior was due to a feeling of helplessness and a poor self-image. I discovered a new part of me that wants to do right by my family and my work colleagues and thanks to Khulisa, I now have the tools to do so.”

+ + +

Sipho Chabalala a Divertee from Newcastle, KwaZulu Natal says, “I was caught stealing a box of stock cubes from a supermarket and soon found myself in a police station in town, charged with theft and the possibility of a criminal record.

I was so angry at my helplessness and poverty. Rather than be sentenced, I was assigned to a social worker who enrolled me into Khulisa’s Diversion programme.  That facilitator gave me personal attention and taught me about how to handle life. Soon my problems changed into opportunities. Now I want to plan my day. I feel so alive.”

+ + +

Josephine Matsong grew up in the abject poverty of rural North West province and longed for a way to make something of her life as well as improve her community that was suffering with the challenges of teenage pregnancies, unemployment, substance abuse and the HIV epidemic.

She had tried to initiate a few projects for its upliftment but by her early 30’s felt hopelessly unskilled to meet its challenges. When she joined a Khulisa year long MIB project, she learnt the art of being a Social Entrepreneur and was so glad to be given the skills needed to manage sustainable community development. Some of the friends she had made on the programme were easily employed after graduation and within a short space of time her community was showing signs of transformation.

+ + +

“At the age of 12,” says Sipho Magwatso, “I ran away from home because my mother used to hit me very badly and there was no other family to take care of me. I lived on the streets, using drugs and prostituting myself to survive. When I was 15 I was arrested for shoplifting and placed in a correctional facility where I awaited trial and found Khulisa running the “Mirror” programme. Until then I didn’t know anything about my rights or what love was and I carried many secrets inside me that were painful. The Khulisa facilitator taught me to see good things about myself and how to look after myself and keep safe.”

+ + +

Walter Coetzee had abused drugs for years before being convicted of armed robbery and incarcerated in Leeukop prison. “Behind bars,” he explains, “I still managed to source my drug of choice but I noticed it making me feel worse and worse. Two years later I took advantage of an offer from Khulisa to participate on their “Drug Smart” programme and was surprised to learn how everything I felt was also felt by others and that there was solid support from Khulisa to quit and reclaim my life. I managed to quit using shortly thereafter. Even better was that Khulisa channelled my leadership skills and passion to educate my peers about drug abuse. We created a drug free cell in the prison and the prestige of belonging to it is earned by passing random drug tests.











Support Khulisa Social Solutions this Mandela Month

Mandela Day is a call to action for companies, individuals, and organisations alike to make a positive impact in communities that need it the most.

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A pledge for unity, integrity and prosperity

I am delighted to share a recent milestone in my journey as a social entrepreneur.

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Navigating Purpose and Passion: The Duality of Leading an NGO

Leading an NGO like Khulisa Social Solutions, with 27 years of impactful work, has been incredibly rewarding.

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National Water Act Training

One of Johannesburg’s largest rivers, the Jukskei River needs an urgent intervention to address the continual pollution that threatens it, and to make it safe and sustainable for over 700,000 dwellers in Alexandra and other surrounding communities.

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