Service Overview
MOSAIC consists of five service divisions, each providing a specialised and valuable part of our overall response to Gender-Based Violence.
MOSAIC Social Services
MOSAIC offers a range of Social Services, available at various sites across the greater Cape Town area that are easily accessible and culturally appropriate. Services include the following activities:
- Public awareness / education about abuse and domestic violence
- Individual, couple and family counselling for survivors and those at risk of domestic violence
- Counselling for both victims and perpetrators
- Workshops about gender-based violence and related topics
- Networking, lobbying and advocacy for human rights
- Youth and men programmes
- Legal and human rights education
MOSAIC Court Support Services
MOSAIC’s Court Support Services are offered in partnership with the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development. The programme facilitates access to justice for victims of domestic violence who approach the magistrate’s courts seeking assistance. MOSAIC is currently represented in 18 Courts in two provinces, and supporting similar initiatives in three other provinces. Services offered include:
- Crisis counselling
- Information on domestic violence and abuse
- Information on HIV and AIDS
- Assistance in completing the protection order application form
- Information about the court process in relation to protection orders
- Referrals
MOSAIC Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
MOSAIC acknowledged that victims of gender based violence are most often unable to negotiate safe sex, thereby increasing the risk of being infected with HIV. The MOSAIC Sexual and Reproductive Health clinic, based in Wynberg, allows clients to access SRH services in a private, safe, and confidential space. The services offered include:
- Contraception and information on Family Planning methods
- Screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Pap smears that includes screening for cervical cancer
- Pregnancy tests
- Provider initiated HIV counselling and testing (HCT)
- Termination of pregnancy (TOP)
- Gender based violence screening and referrals
- Referrals
- Youth support groups
- Youth clinic services
MenCare+ is a 4-country initiative that aims to engage men as non-violent, caring fathers with the objective to see the community-wide benefits in sexual and reproductive health outcomes, gender equality, and increased quality of life.
MOSAIC is one of the implementing partners in MenCare+ in South Africa. The activities of the campaign include:
- Male counselling in the context of Intimate Partner Violence
- Men and Gender Based violence educational workshop
- SRH Educational groups for young men
- Community awareness and media campaigns
- Male Counsellor training
- Awareness raising with health care professionals
- Advocacy, lobbying, policy analysis and review
Social Enterprise and Training
Our range of training courses are based on the principle of “healing the healer” and are offered to a variety of beneficiaries and partnering organisations, and include the following:
- Abuse Awareness and Assertiveness
- Counselling skills for both male and female clients
- Managing and implementing a Court Support Service in the context of Domestic Violence
- Integrated management of Domestic Violence
- Job skills in Catering and Food preparation
- Permaculture gardening skills