Programmes and Services
We ambitiously run four Early Childhood Development Centres in underprivileged areas to raise the level of the destitute so that they can mature into self-sufficiency.
We run three Jamatu Khanas to improve the spiritual self-sufficiency in the communities and to promote Islamic integrity in conjunction with tolerance with others. We are especially active during Ramadan with feeding, prayers, thikr and running various ‘deen’ programmes.
Adult Literacy:
Through this programme we cater to people who have been previously deprived of their right to basic education and return that entitled power to them. Through this process they can find entry-level work and they can manage basic issues in their lives like paying the bills and helping their children with home-work. This has been extremely successful with the women who are so proud of being able to write their own names.
Youth Development:
Our Youth Development runs programs to empower the youth and motivate them in their future aspirations. Counselling and tutoring is also provided thus encouraging both empathy and discipline in the youth. On Youth Day the 16th of June our youth do a variety of activities for their communities while honouring the memory of youth who protested and lost their lives in the struggle against Apartheid.
Skills Training
Our ‘Stitch by Stitch’ program in Tafelsig teaches women from the area skills that they can use to create business for themselves, find work or save money in making clothes for their families. This program is used especially to assist women recovering and escaping abusive relationships.
Isibindi Project
In conjunction with NACCW, we employ local people in Tafelsig to assist youth/child headed households in a parental capacity like house hold cleaning, meals, home-work and clothing. They offer emotional support, mentoring and are there for the recipients when it comes to school functions, meetings and help with shopping and bills.
Health Programs
Our home-based care workers attend to the frail, disabled and sick in areas like Mitchells Plain and Delft. They offer bed-baths, physiotherapy, counselling, massages and attend to wounds. They offer great relief to clients and their families who would otherwise find it unaffordable to receive such extra treatment else-where.
Disaster Relief
Our Disaster Team is kept busy responding to requests from Disaster Management and the community by distributing cooked food, blankets, clothes, winter packs and baby packs. We often respond to disasters both natural and man-made like floods, fires and unrest.
Feeding and Distribution
We feed 15000 people daily with hot meals and distribute blankets every winter in addition to clothing, winter packs and baby packs. We also supply stationery packs and run a gel-stove campaign in addition to many items demanded by the community.