1-About Us

At Won Life, our vision is:  “Improving education to promote community upliftment in Fisantekraal.”


Won Life carries out this vision by providing excellent education and support to the community of Fisantekraal, just outside of Durbanville. Won Life has been actively involved in Fisantekraal since 1999 and has constantly evolved in order to best cater to the needs of its beneficiaries.

Our primary, strategic focus is to improve the quality of basic education, as this is the tool that will empower the community to break the cycle of poverty. This is achieved by means of our four educational programmes, namely:  the Won Life Pre-Primary School, Literacy Centre, High School Education Centre and Teacher Mentorship Programme.

Our administration office is strategically situated in the community of Fisantekraal, which allows us to better understand the day-to-day challenges and paves the way for a healthy and organic relationship to develop between our organisation and the community we serve.

Won Life is governed by a group of voluntary board members who embrace key values of accountability, transparency and integrity, leading to excellent standards of good governance. We have 18 passionate staff members and a core group of committed volunteers who carry the heart of our organisation and form the backbone of everything we do.



                    Ed Ellish                                     Megan Eagles                               Lauren Van Niekerk


             Virginia Nadasen                             Shawn Redmond                                   Frankl Weber














2-Our Programmes

Pre-Primary School

The Won Life Pre-Primary School is a registered, independent Grade R preschool providing excellent, holistic education to 180 learners each year. It started as an informal day-care in 2005 and was registered with the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in 2007 to become the first Grade R school in the community. This is our flagship project and through the successful establishment of the school, we were able to establish vital credibility with the WCED and community through this programme, which in turn has paved the way for our continued involvement in education.



In addition to fun-filled educational learning, we also provide 2 cooked meals per day and beautiful facilities that communicate value to the children. The Won Life Pre-Primary School is a haven for children; a place of safety, both physically and emotionally, where they can freely discover and enquire about the world around them.

Literacy Centre

Our Literacy Centre started in 2013 and is an online interactive, volunteer-driven English literacy intervention programme through Reading Eggs . Support is aimed at all Grade 2 and 3 learners at Trevor Manuel Primary School.


This programme ensures that the children on it are equipped with being able to read, write and speak in English. English comprehension skills are key to a learner’s academic success and facilitates a smoother transition to Grade 4 for the Xhosa learners who switch from Xhosa to English as their language of instruction and for Afrikaans learners who take on English as a second language as they enter the Intermediate Phase.


We have a wonderful group of passionate volunteers who facilitate literacy sessions to children on a weekly basis. We are always looking for more volunteers so that we can reach more learners.

Teacher Mentorship Programme

This programme exists to equip teachers in an under-resourced environment to deliver quality education to the children in their care.  We have also packaged our insights into a comprehensive resource called ‘CAPS in a SNAP’. This provides a paint-by-numbers approach to teaching the CAPS curriculum effectively in an under-resourced environment in order to make this available to other NGOs. This ‘CAPS in a SNAP’ resource provides detailed planning documents and resources, but also involves coaching and mentoring teachers to improve four key areas of learning and teaching, namely; classroom set up, lesson planning, lesson delivery and assessment. In addition to this, teachers are also mentored in soft skills such as time management, professionalism, team work and effective communication.
Currently, we are mentoring the Foundation Phase Teachers at the new Fisantekraal Primary School which opened in 2021. We are looking forward to growing this relationship and have high hopes for the positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning that we can make together.



High School Programme

Our High School Education Centre was established in 2017 and runs from Monday to Friday. We provide learners with a quick lunch, a desk, stationery, access to laptops, internet and a printer in order to assist them with the necessary resources needed to successfully complete their homework and studies.


In order to walk alongside learners on a more individual and personal level, the programme is enriched with Life Skills coaching and support by means of the Refined programme for the girls and Stronger programme for the boys.













Become A Corporate Sponsor

Should you choose to become one of our corporate sponsors by partnering with us through an annual or monthly commitment, we will gladly add your company logo to our website. In turn, you are also welcome to add Won Life to your company website as your Corporate Social Investment project.


Become A Development Investor

Partner with us in developing a brighter future for our community by giving towards the sustainability and advancement of our organisation. This is an effective way to make a meaningful community contribution.

Development Investors are our most valued donors as their constant giving enables us to research, develop and implement new programmes to meet the needs of the Fisantekraal community through education. We can rely on their giving and set programme budgets knowing that we have a wide base of continuous support.


Contact us by emailing info@wonlife.org.za for more information on how to get involved as a Development Investor.

The payout? You can reap the reward of seeing social change through your investment! You will also be given feedback on new programmes and projects which you have empowered us to start.

Sponsor A Child 2024

You can partner with us in advocating the right to quality education for the 180 children at our Pre-Primary School and 100 learners at our Literacy Centre.


What does my sponsorship provide?

The learners who attend our Pre-Primary School and our Literacy Centre receive a quality educational experience including beautiful and well-maintained facilities, teaching instruction from qualified teachers as well as the necessary resources and educational equipment that they need to learn. Our Pre-Primary learners also receive two nutritious meals as part of their school day.

Your sponsorship will provide a child at Won Life with an holistic and solid foundation to their future education.

To sponsor a child, kindly contact us at info@wonlife.org.za

Dignity Packs

For as little as R70 you can support teenage learners with a monthly dignity pack of essential toiletries. We are looking to have 40 packs on hand every month.


Please consider a monthly donation or a once-off donation. If you are willing to make a contribution towards this initiative, please refer back to our EFT and SnapScan payment details. Remember to use ‘Dignity Pack’ as your reference.

Alternatively, please refer to our Contact Us page to get in touch with us directly.


Thank you for helping us restore dignity to the teenagers in our care!


MySchool Card

The MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet fundraising programme is one of the largest community support programmes in South Africa and raises funds for schools, charities and environmental organisations to use to improve education and social development.


Card Application Form

Won Life recently joined this programme and is so grateful to all who make the effort to swipe each time they shop at selected stores. This is such a simple way to support Won Life and make a marked difference in the work that we are carrying out to ensure that every child that passes through our doors is impacted by a quality education. Everyone can get involved! You can raise funds for Won Life without costing you anything, every time you swipe your card, you are giving back!

To get your card, follow the link below. Alternatively, go to the MySchool website and get your card online by either clicking on the “Join” or “Login” buttons.

Card Application Form













•    We are registered as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and a Public Beneficiary Organisation (PBO), therefore we are able to award Section 18A Tax Certificates.

•    Won Life is also a Level 1 B-BBEE Contributor and therefore able to provide relevant documentation in support of contributions made to Social Economic Development (SED).

•    Please email proof of payment to info@wonlife.org.za for donations of more than R500 so that we can provide you with a Section 18A Tax Certificate or B-BBEE Letter.




1.      Download SnapScan for Android or IOS

2.      Link your Debit or Credit Card

3.      Scan this barcode





Donations can be deposited into the following bank account:

Account Name:  Won Life
Account Number:  071978615
Bank:  Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.
Branch and Code:  Tyger Manor | 05 04 10

NB : Please reference clearly and remember to email proof of payment to  info@wonlife.org.za


















Won Life Dignity Project: Restoring Confidence, One Pad at a Time with Transunion

The Won Life Dignity Project was born out of a massive need identified within our community: access to sanitary pads for high school girls.

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Giraffe House Visit

Won Life is a registered non-profit organization (NPO) and public benefit organization (PBO) with the vision to change lives through education in the community of Fisantekraal.

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Empowering Lives Through Education: Won Life's Impact in Fisantekraal

Won Life is a registered non-profit organization (NPO) and public benefit organization (PBO) with the vision to change lives through education in the community of Fisantekraal.

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The Reading Eggs Program a great literacy success at Won Life

Won Life is a registered non-profit organization (NPO) and public benefit organization (PBO) with the vision to change lives through education in the community of Fisantekraal.

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Won Life hosts exciting Mini Sports Day for 180 Pre-Primary, Grade R Learners in Fisantekraal

Won Life is a registered non-profit organization (NPO) and public benefit organization (PBO) with the vision to change lives through education in the community of Fisantekraal.

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