Women Empowerment, March 4, 2021, 6:39 p.m.


Author: Marie Stopes

Marie Stopes South Africa today announced the launch of their #TearThemDown campaign – a fight against all illegal abortion service providers in the country.

MSSA has reiterated its mission to provide safe pregnancy options for women in South Africa.


The unsafe practice of illegal abortion continues to be a scourge which adds to the public health crisis. It comes as no surprise that it is one of the largest contributors to maternal mortality and morbidity, accounting for up to 30% of maternal deaths in many sub-Saharan countries, including South Africa. According to the WHO, over 6 million estimated unsafe abortions occur in Africa which result in 29,000 deaths and countless life altering injuries and disabilities every year to women and girls under the age 25.


Although abortion has been legal in South Africa since 1995 as per the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (amended 2008), the stigma associated with the practice leaves many women in a position where they seek out these clandestine illegal practitioners in back alley establishments.


The #TearThemDown campaign by Marie Stopes South Africa – a government-accredited sexual and reproductive healthcare service provider that offers safe, quality pregnancy termination options with no room for judgement or discrimination – aims to expose and shut down these illegal abortion “clinics”.


The two major goals of the ambush campaign are to Encourage the Reporting of illegal abortion providers by the public and to Get Women Involved by sharing their story.


On the 10th of March, MSSA aims to mobilise as many people across the country to remove and report any adverts, plastered everywhere, that promote illegal abortions on the streets of South Africa. Marie Stopes South Africa is partnering with the #BlueRibbon Champions to get involved by leading the charge, sharing material and content to drive home the key message of this campaign – there is NO place for “backstreet” abortion practices in South Africa


“Reporting these illegal abortion practitioners is the most direct way to combat them and shut down their harmful operations. MSSA encourages people to contact their nearest South African Police Service station or engage their provincial National Department of Health office”. -Whitney Chinogwenya, Marketing and Brand Manager at Marie Stopes South Africa.


“By harnessing the power of storytelling, we can drive a positive message and remove the stigma related to seeking out abortion services. This will empower more women with the confidence to seek out professional and more importantly, legal abortion service providers.”


It is due to the nature of illegal abortion provision which makes it a challenge to collect figures on their activities or confirm mortality trends. Seen by the numerous adverts placed on bins, poles and walls, it seems to suggest that the number of unsafe providers is ever increasing. By doing your part and joining the movement, you assist in the fight against all illegal abortion providers.


MSSA has set up a dedicated resource on its website where you’ll be able to report any illegal activity pertaining to abortions in your area. As always, your privacy is of paramount importance. There is an option to report in anonymously to protect the identity of those giving information.  The process can be as simple as just uploading a photo of the offending poster or sticker and that will constitute as a formal report. MSSA will do the follow up from there.


MSSA will, in collaboration with #BlueRibbon champions and other women’s health advocacy groups, be hosting a week of live events on social media to discuss the state of illegal abortion in South Africa.


Let’s #TearThemDown and build a better future.


Marie Stopes South Africa is the country’s largest non-profit provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare services. They are part of a 38-country strong Marie Stopes International Global Partnership, allowing us access to the latest innovations and expertise in the field of sexual and reproductive health.


For any additional information, you can contact MSSA Marketing and Brand Manager, Whitney Chinogwenya at Whitney@mariestopes.co.za
