Animal Welfare, May 23, 2022, 8:04 a.m.

No hoof no horse: Farrier care for working horses


Golden Boy is still a young horse. He managed to hurt himself in his stable. He had a hairline fracture as well as an injured suspensory ligament.

The second aspect of our holistic horse welfare approach is to ensure that the horses' feet are properly looked after. Under "normal" circumstances horses need new shoes every 6-8 weeks. Because these horses work relatively long distances on tar roads, they need new shoes every 2 weeks. Our three professionally-trained farriers not only shoe horses at Epping every morning, but also do home visits to shoe horses that cannot come all this way and to trim horses that are resting or too young to work. Although heavily subsidised, the carties do pay R100 towards a full set of four shoes.


Your donation will help us make sure that all horses receive professional footcare-R140 will ensure two full sets of shoes!



Golden Boy is still a young horse. He managed to hurt himself in his stable. He had a hairline fracture as well as an injured suspensory ligament.


After getting x-rayed, the vet wanted to give him the best chance of recovery, so Ashley was asked to make a special shoe for Golden Boy that would give more support to the ligament, giving it a better chance to heal.


Please donate toward professional footcare for working cart horses