Animal Welfare, March 12, 2021, 7:19 p.m.

Parvovirus Outbreak Cape Town & Surrounds


During the last month the number of confirmed, positive parvo cases have been steadily climbing at TEARS Animal Rescue in Sunnydale, Cape Town.

As the recent articles circling on social media from other welfare groups also confirms, we are seeing more and more positive cases and this is sufficient evidence to believe there to be an outbreak.

Says TEARS Animal Rescue Operations Manager, Mandy Store,”Covid restrictions have played a large part in restricting TEARS from reaching the communities we support in order to deliver vaccinations to pets in the area. Pet owners are financially constrained, out of work, and barely have enough means to support themselves, let alone feeding their dogs and cats and getting their vaccinations done.”

The parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can last from months to even years in the environment, and spreads very easily. It requires relentless and regular vaccinations for all animals to manage these diseases.

Not only is parvovirus persistent and contagious, but it is deadly. The parvovirus kills 95% of unvaccinated and untreated dogs. If these unvaccinated dogs are lucky enough to have access to the expensive treatments available their chances of survival increases slightly to about 40%. It is vaccinating that makes the biggest difference. A vaccinated dog who does fall ill has nearly a 100% chance of survival unless the dog has a comorbidity.

Head TEARS Veterinarian, Dr. Tania Heuer, believes that the public needs to be educated about the importance of vaccinating when buying or adopting a pet. “Parvovirus is a killer in waiting. Once an area has been compromised with parvovirus, we tend to see rampant infection spikes resulting in the deaths of many unvaccinated dogs and puppies. Vaccination is the key to not only preventing parvovirus but eliminating it from the community,” she says.

Parvovirus is also commonly referred to as “kat griep” or “cat flu” but as this confuses people into thinking cats are spreading the virus, we prefer to only refer to the disease by its causing agent, i.e the parvovirus.

Due to aggressiveness of the virus, the TEARS Welfare Clinic advises to vaccinate puppies 4 (four) times, 3-4 weeks apart, starting from as early as 6 weeks old. The ideal schedule remains to vaccinate all puppies at 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks with the last vaccine at 16 weeks of age.

The parvovirus attacks the immune system that is also located in the puppies’ intestines, hence the general symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea.

Symptoms of Parvo:


·Severe, bloody diarrhoea

·Lethargy / Listlessness (Not wanting to play with other puppies)

·Anorexia (Not wanting to eat)


·Weight loss






Current Challenges with positive cases:

Due to Covid, animal owners can’t afford veterinary care even the most basic of veterinary care and this has left our community animals at risk of infections

A positive animal could be shedding the virus for 2 weeks (14 days) without showing symptoms and someone believing they have a healthy puppy, may spread the virus unknowingly.

Furthermore, should a puppy contract parvo, receive treatment and survive, it can continue to shed the virus for approximately 1 month (articles reporting 3-6 weeks of active shedding).

The virus can be spread with “fomites” meaning dead materials and things like clothes and shoes could spread the virus as well, and not just the usual direct and indirect routes between dogs.

Direct virus exposure is if a puppy licks infected vomit or stool from a sick animal, and indirectly from an active shedder (smelling a recovered dog’s behind) or if being touched by an owner that may have touched another ill puppy.

Pearls of wisdom:

·Always vaccinate your puppy (4 times, 3 weeks apart)

·Do not touch a stranger’s puppy and then yours without washing your hands, clothes and shoes

·Do not take your puppy to public places until 2 weeks after the last vaccination at 16 weeks old (4 months old)

·Keep puppies in your yard at all times until fully vaccinated (before taking to the beach or park)

·DO NOT GET A NEW PUPPY if you lost a puppy to parvo for at least 1 YEAR

·Do not allow unvaccinated animals into your property

·For all dogs (and cats) continue their vaccination schedule annually (more so in highly infectious areas and closed living communities)

·Puppy training and puppy school properties are usually considered “safe” after the 2nd vaccine schedule

·Always speak to your own veterinarian for the best advice

·Always check on your puppy and feed it 3 times per day until it is 6 months old. By checking on your dog regularly, you can identify problems sooner and seek veterinary care at the first sign of illness. Whether the puppy is being listless, not wanting to eat, “not itself”, showing signs of vomiting or having a diarrhoea.

TEARS Animal Rescue is dedicated to the prevention of disease in the low-income communities that we serve. Diseases like parvo can be prevented and eventually eliminated in areas with vaccination programmes. Last year, TEARS vaccinated 1,340 companion animals. Donate today to help us reach more at