Flood Relief, April 25, 2022, 9:50 a.m.

Sibaya Community Trust donates R2.5m for flood relief

Author: info@klassikdigital.co.za

Sibaya Community Casino and Sibaya Community Trust chairman Vivian Reddy has urged more businesses to come together to offer humanitarian aid to the flood victims as speedily as possible.

Reddy made the call on Wednesday as he donated R2.5 million for flood relief.


He donated R500 000 to the Gift of the Givers, whom he said were “on the ground working tirelessly and had full knowledge of the extent of the disaster and the areas most needing help”.


“With numerous schools damaged, R2 million was directed to the Premier’s Schools Project to help assist in rebuilding and renovations,” Reddy said.


The recent KZN floods have left a devastating effect on the province, rendering it the subject of the declaration of a National State of Disaster.


He said there was a pressing need for the business sector entities to work together to assist the affected communities, as “our most vulnerable people have been victims with loss of their homes and lives”.


“The Sibaya Community Trust has always been at the forefront when it comes to social upliftment; they have a huge portfolio of projects undertaken to help over 120 charity organisations. To date, we have contributed over R230 million to our communities from building of infrastructure to education to health and wellness and much more,” Reddy said.


He said over the years, many schools benefited from the trust in the form of new classrooms, ablution facilities and general renovations.


“We are currently building a skills centre in the heart of the Blackburn community and have built a fully equipped soup kitchen for them to provide over 500 meals on a daily basis. As April is Autism Month, we are delighted to have just completed a skills centre for the Triad School of Autism. We will continue to serve humanity and I call on all businesses to join in the fight against poverty.”


Reddy added that “a rich person is poor if they do not share their wealth to uplift the less fortunate among us.”