Flood Relief, Feb. 27, 2023, 9:26 a.m.

Sibaya connects with Rise Against Hunger to feed future leaders

Author: info@klassikdigital.co.za

Sibaya Casino & Entertainment World staff packed 11 520 meals with international non-profit organisation Rise Against Hunger (RAH) for learners at Siphosethu and Sibonginhlanhla primary schools.

On November 17, a handover of 1 260 meal packs – made up of soya, rice, lentils with vitamins and minerals - took place at Siphosethu Primary School. RAH has also subsequently delivered 720 packs to Sibonginhlanhla Primary School, and further deliveries will take place in 2023 once schools reopen. Forty-eight Early Childhood Development Centres supported by Sibaya also received 5 760 packs, which will feed 2 115 children each month.

Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. In 2021, they distributed more than 27 million meals worldwide, including South Africa.

Sibaya’s HR Manager Karen Hammond said the RAH meal boxes would be delivered to the schools on a monthly basis to be cooked and provided to the learners. “This project ensures that these young learners receive good nutrition to assist them in raising energy levels and facilitating better concentration during class.” This donation aligns with Sun International’s focus of supporting the development of youth in surrounding communities.

Keren Pillay, Rise Against Hunger’s KwaZulu-Natal regional branch manager thanked Sibaya for their contribution to aiding grassroots communities.