TSIBA women leader’s integral in uplifting SA Youth
Author: TSIBA Business School
Historically TSIBA has always had women at the helm of the organisation. TSIBA was founded in 2004 by three woman (and one man), and until last year Professor Fatima Abrahams had held the role of TSIBA Business School Chairperson.
One particular woman trailblazer is Gia Whitehead (Co-Founder and now Chair of the Board), who has invested 18 years in this institution. This is so fitting because we are celebrating an iconic day for women all over the world, International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022.
All of these women have one thing in common, they have been integral in providing over 7000 annual-tuition scholarships to determined and ambitious students since 2004 from under-resourced communities to complete tertiary studies with an accredited business qualification. This had been made possible through empowerment funding and philanthropic partnerships working together with TSIBA to take South Africa forward.
"When you are able to choose how you live your life, and the work you do, then it is a gift to continue to be involved with TSIBA and empower others to live their purpose too. I continue to feel passionate about TSIBA's work and the role it plays in building SA's future leaders. We are only just beginning as we mature at 18 years old and start to grow and prove academic and institutional rigor and share incredible purpose-lived success stories to talk about." Shares Gia Whitehead.
Twenty-eight years into democracy, South Africa has made huge strides in reforming laws and policies that prohibited women’s full participation in all social, economic and political spheres. Gia Whitehead (TSIBA Chairperson), is a founding director of TSIBA Business School, registered as TSIBA Education NPC, which opened doors for its first students in Cape Town in 2005. Gia’s role has included the innovation and replicability of the TSIBA model impacting youth from our impoverished communities throughout the Western Cape South Africa. Gia was recognized as one of South Africa’s 100 Brightest Young Minds and has been awarded Top Women Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012 (Topco Media).
International Women’s Day takes place on 8 March 2022, commemorating the national march of women on this day in 1956. We celebrate all empowered women who have made a difference to the South African Society since then. Gia Whitehead is recognised as a woman who has been integral in providing over 7000 annual-tuition scholarships to students since 2004, especially for those who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to study at tertiary education level. From this work has emerged TSIBA degree graduates now working as active economic citizens and who it is estimated had contributed over 30 billion in economic activity. The financial assistance to TSIBA students in the form of TSIBA bursaries, funding and philanthropic partnerships, has given an opportunity for tertiary education and accredited business qualifications to many, who are now successful career and business women. Further, eight TSIBA graduates have awarded Mandela Rhodes Scholarships for postgraduate studies, three Kofi-Anan Scholarships and five Alan Gray Orbis Foundation Scholarships
“TSIBA’s campaign, “FOUNDERS’ GIFT” aims to raise sufficient funding for the realisation of ownership of their very own campus. The target for this campaign is R50 million, making an original Founders’ dream a reality - for TSIBA to own its own beautiful campus. To kickstart the conversation with potential sponsors, partners and stakeholders, TSIBA will be hosting Purpose-Lived Podcasts from March – December this year, facilitated by Gia Whitehead, including guests invited specifically for their purpose-lived experiences, explains Graham Moore, Executive Director: Sustainability and Brand.
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