Women Empowerment, Aug. 8, 2020, 7:09 p.m.

U-turn's Good News and Extraordinary Women

Author: riaan@wecanchange.co.za

August is Women’s month in South Africa. Many of women find themselves on the street after violence or sexual abuse in the family. Once on the street.....

Once on the street, the hurdles of being a woman in South Africa become more pronounced with an increased risk to personal safety, sexual exploitation, and the burden of being a single mother.

Over 60% of children born in South Africa do not have a father's name on the birth certificate. With a limited number of shelters for women and children, it can be more difficult for women with children to turn their lives around. 

But every year, despite these odds, U-turn celebrates extraordinary women overcoming enormous challenges. Here are three such stories:

Making the Right Choices

Some things in life we cannot control, particularly as a child.  Jacqailine Johnson could not control the family into which she was born.  She was the third born in a family that was already struggling. 

Read Jacqailine's story
"Not the person I used to be."

Our choices impact on our lives, and the lives of others.  Abigail had completed school, followed by a security training course and a Home-based Caregiving course. Then she made choice that changed everything.

Read Abigail's story
A New Woman Emerging
“Life is so much better.  It’s as if like the butterfly, I have emerged from a cacoon.  When I was on drugs I didn’t have hope.  Now I am filled me with strength and light to go on and face life.” 
Read Natasha's story

Thank you for supporting U-turn, enabling us to help more people and women like Natasha, Abigail and Jaqailine.

We pray that those who feel trapped in difficult situations are able to find a sanctuary and a pathway to healing. 

Help provide skills, rehabilitation and sheltered employment