Women Empowerment, March 10, 2022, 12:53 p.m.

WHL becomes the first major SA retailer to sign up to United Nations Women Empowerment Principles

Author: Woolworths

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Woolworths Holdings Limited (WHL) is proud to announce that it has become the first major South African retailer to be a signatory to the United Nations (UN) Women Empowerment Principles.

Developed in partnership with the United Nations Women and the UN Global Compact Office, the  Women Empowerment Principles (WEP) are a set of seven guidelines that offer direction to  companies on how to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women in the workplace and  in communities. 

WHL Group CEO, Roy Bagattini, said, “We are very proud to be a signatory to the Women  Empowerment Principles. It is particularly significant that this has taken place today, International  Women’s Day. As we know, International Women’s Day is an opportunity for the global community to  acknowledge the tremendous value and importance of gender equality and a world free of bias and  discrimination. We believe that, as an organisation, we have a profound responsibility to be an agent  for positive change, both within the workplace and within society at large.  

As a Group, through our Inclusive Justice Initiative, we are striving to address all forms of  discrimination and injustice. To this end, we are driving programmes aimed at building an organisation  that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive, with a very specific focus on inclusive justice for women. We  acknowledge that this is a journey of listening and learning and, while we don’t have all the answers,  we are deeply committed to taking actions that will have a positive and enduring impact across our  organisation and within our communities. 

Established in 2010, the WEP are informed by international labour and human rights standards and  grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality  and women’s empowerment. The WEPs are a framework to guide organisations on the delivery on  gender equality dimensions of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  
By joining the UN Women community, WHL signals its commitment to this important agenda and to  working collaboratively within multi-stakeholder networks to foster business practices that empower  women. These include pay equality, gender-inclusive supply chain practices and zero tolerance  against sexual harassment in the workplace. 

In 2013, WHL signed up for the UN Global Compact signifying its support of and respect for human  rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. This undertaking now to the UN Women  Empowerment Principles further solidifies WHL’s commitment to ensuring an equal and inclusive  environment for its people, partners, and customers.